He expressed regret for the controversy surrounding SSPX Bp. Williamson.
He expressed a positive opinion about the beginning of the theological discussions between the SSPX and the Holy See.
He said that the SSPX, with its structures in place around the world, could be very helpful in forming Christians according to the mind of the Church, if only some bishops would support them.
Das Fazit des Distriktoberen: „Falls ein Teil der Bischöfe sich dazu versteht, unser Werk zu unterstützen, und falls die Gläubigen noch vermehrt und tatkräftiger als bisher uns helfen, so kann die Kirche an Haupt und Gliedern erneuert werden und eine Christenheit aufgebaut werden, wie sie die Kirche immer gewünscht hat.“If I were a bishop of a place where the SSPX was active, I would do my best to reach out to them.
I will never be a bishop, thanks be to God, but I hope some bishops reading this might open their hearts and consider what our Holy Father is trying to accomplish, the dangers of our age, and the desire of the Lord that we be one.
I am sure that the great majority of the men in the SSPX are very good and love the Church. They would, without question, much rather be in union with Rome and the local bishop.
So much potential… such difficult times.
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